4Life Research Donates $100,000 To Auburn University

Aburn University receives $100,000 gift from 4Life Research.  The Molecular and Applied Sciences Laboratory in the School of Kinesiology will use the $100,000 donation from 4Life Research to advance the science of 4Life products, study new ingredients, and conduct ongoing research in support of current and future products for distributors and customers alike.
4Life Chief Scientific Officer Chris Lockwood, PhD, CSCS: “As an industry leader, our investment in university research is an absolute necessity to 4Life’s corporate goals of innovation, substantiation, and education.”
“4Life works continually to establish product credibility through exploratory research.  Academic associations like this one with Auburn University are key to our strategic initiatives in the marketplace.” says 4Life President and CEO Steve Tew.
4Life’s donation to Auburn University will also fund the purchase of laboratory equipment, graduate student scholarships, and research-related faculty travel.
4Life Founder and Chairman of the Board David Lisonbee: “Research is in the name I used to launch the company. The science of transfer factor and supplementation is our foundation. We will continue to invest in the
ongoing work of our Health Sciences Advisory Board, patent acquisition,academic partnerships, and the leading technologies of our Research and Development team.”
About 4Life
4Life’s leading group of doctors, scientists, and researchers continue to


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