Daniel Sistrunk Joins LyfeStart International

LyfeStart International welcomes Daniel Sistrunk as a LyfeStart Executive Advisor. Daniel Sistrunk has three decades of experience in the network marketing industry. In previous positions, he has secured thousands of customers and direct sales representatives, generated millions in annual revenue, and has been recognized as top recruiter and top income earner.
“I was drawn to LyfeStart, International because it’s a company of inclusion. It’s the first nutritional network marketing company founded and managed by a group that looks like the United Nations,” he says. “Just as I advocate owning a business as a direct path to financial success, by joining LyfeStart, I’m applying that same philosophy.”
Daniel has achieved success by empowering others to achieve goals that promote long-term economic success. This emphasis on offering others opportunity is what drew him to LyfeStart’s mission of helping others, and has made him a tremendous advocate of direct sales as a path to financial independence.
Raised by a mother who bought a home and was able to offer her children a college education because of direct sales, he believes strongly that business ownership is the pathway to long-term success.
“Creating opportunities for people to own their own business is incredibly valuable to society,” he says.
“And then


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