MonaVie Adds Nutritionist Mark Macdonald To Its Scientific Advisory Board

MonaVie announces today that nutrition and fitness expert Mark Macdonald joins its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The addition of Macdonald will help ensure the company has the right expertise to support current product development plans and necessary substantiation for research and development.
No stranger to MonaVie, Macdonald has been with the company as its nutrition and fitness expert since 2011, and was influential in helping formulate MonaVie’s RVL and CORE line of products.
“It’s an incredible honor to be added to MonaVie’s Scientific Advisory Board,” Mark said. “For more than 20 years I have dedicated my life to empowering others and showing people what is truly possible with their health. As an educator, expert, and motivator I know that partnerships are the key to changing the course of the international health crisis.”
Macdonald joins current SAB members, Dr. Jun Nishihira, specializing in biochemistry, from Japan, and Dr. Hervé Rogez, a food science expert, from Brazil.
Mark added, “Since its inception, MonaVie has been on the front line in developing cutting edge products designed with a specific purpose—products that are focused on enhancing one’s health and truly ‘filling in the gaps’ of where most of us fall short in our daily nutritional needs. Together we will continue making a


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