Talk Fusion’s YOU CAN! Event in Russia a Massive Success!

Talk Fusion`s You Can! Event held July 2-6 in St. Petersburg Russia turned out be a huge success!
Travel to Russia to kick of the festivites began on July 2nd, on Talk Fusion’s 7th birthday.   The Talk Fusion Executive Team, accompanied by Blue Diamond Cedric Penn, boarded a private jet from Tampa, Florida to the beautiful cityscape of St. Petersburg Russia.
On July 4th, the team went on a rainy, yet exciting and informative guided tour of St. Petersburg, visiting incredible historical landmarks, and a host of breathtaking monuments.
Following the Historical Tour, Founder & CEO Bob Reina and VP of Training & Development Allison Roberts hosted the Top Leaders to a Leadership Dinner at the luxurious Percorso Italian Restaurant at the Four Seasons hotel.
You Can! Event – Day 1 Recap

The first day of the You Can! Event was filled with motivation, costumed entertainment, and presentations. It was a celebration of Associate recognition and awards, and heartfelt testimonials from Top Leaders including Blue Diamonds Cedric Penn, Natalya Tarkhova, Svetlana Shodunke, and Artur Katchanov as well as Presidential Blue Diamonds Minh & Julie Ho.
You Can! Event – Day 2 Recap

The final day of the event closed things on a high note!


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