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ViSalus Honored With Highly-Acclaimed W3 Award for Creative Excellence In Web Content

ViSalus’ Content Marketing department received an esteemed 2014 W3 Silver Award in Copywriting for its Vi Blog and its blog extension program, the Vi Today’s Share.
The W3 Awards honor creative excellence on the web, and recognize the professionals behind the creative and marketing teams of the award-winning sites, marketing programs, social content and mobile sites. In its ninth year, W3 is the major web competition where companies submit content to be sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Artists (AIVA), an invitation-only, membership-based organization of leading web professionals.
More than 4,000 entries worldwide were submitted — many from Fortune 500 companies and international agencies and firms. Entries were judged by the AIVA in four categories with criteria upholding a high standard of excellence.     
“We are so proud of our outstanding, hard-working and innovative team of marketing professionals,” said Blake Mallen, ViSalus Co-Founder and Chief Sales & Marketing Officer. “From sharing exclusive interviews and company news, to industry tips and inspirational stories from within the Vi Community, our marketing team uses storytelling to show how we are transforming lives across the globe.”  
Vi’s Content Marketing team is responsible for the Vi Blog, which has generated more than 1 million