Tag Archive for Visi Arctic 3 – Star

Vísi Pro Attributes Bodybuilding Championship To Exclusive Products

On November 1, natural bodybuilder Darrin Grosenick won several honors in the International Natural Bodybuilding Federation’s Canada Western National Championships. Grosenick, who is also a Vísi Arctic 3-Star Partner, has been using Vísi products as his exclusive supplementation regimen and has found incredible results.
At 48, Grosenick says he’s in the best shape of his life, with “incredible energy, incredible flexibility—at the competition, I was like a 10-year-old on a playground.” Even competing against men half his age, Grosenick won first place in the Lightweight category. He also earned top honors in the Master’s class and earned his Pro card, allowing him to compete in events around the world.
He attributes much of his success to consistently using the entire Vísi product line. He says what he likes best about Vísi’s certified clean products are “how natural and clean they are—every ingredient has a specific purpose. Everything is synergistic.”
Grosenick’s “Road 2 Ripped” journey began in February as he returned to the gym to get competition ready and “completely stayed true to the products.” His daily supplementation regimen begins with something he laughingly calls “the bomb,” a Vínnle supplement for focus, a Probíta hydrolyzed collagen chew, and an Energy drink mix with water.