Tag Archive for Visalus UK

Visalus Celebrates Newest $100K Lifetime Earner; Lisa Panton

Visalus UK announced recently that Ambassador Lisa Panton has hit over $100,000 in personal earnings with Vi.*
Lisa threw herself into the Vi-Life, helping 25 Promoters on her team achieve the rank of Regional Director, which also qualified them as Bimmer Club members.
However, Lisa didn’t stop there. In just 14 months, she smashed the $100,000 mark and generated over $1.2 million (over £800,000) in 2014 sales alone. 
With a strong team of 500 Rising Stars behind her, 2015 will be another great year for Lisa and her team.

“It still blows my mind what we have been able to achieve as a team in such a short time. All of the credit goes to them,” said Lisa, adding, “I want to thank them all for going out there and making a difference in the lives of others, and for following their own dreams. With new Vi innovations, new products and new countries launching, I am incredibly excited about the future of Vi.”

* Results not typical. Achievement in rank depends upon many factors such as hard work, determination, financial resources and social contacts.