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Talk Fusion CIO Recognizes WebRTC As Cutting Edge Technology

As Talk Fusion Director of Information Technology and CIO, Dr. Jonathan Chen has remained actively attuned to the latest advances and breakthroughs on the Internet, especially concerning live video broadcast technology. With the advent of open source WebRTC protocols, Dr. Chen came to a staggering conclusion: this browser-based real-time communication technology would revolutionize Internet video.
Dr. Chen immediately began work on adapting WebRTC into Talk Fusion video products.
“When the Internet era started, I sensed a revolution; not just in technology, but in human life and world affairs,” Dr. Chen reflects. “The concept of WebRTC had the same initial impulse on me as the Internet itself – the same wave of revolutionary potential. WebRTC will not only change how people communicate on the Internet, it will change how people communicate period.”
Using the power of WebRTC, Dr. Chen and his expert programmers began fervently crafting Talk Fusion products that allow Customers and Associates to host a multitude of online video communications, such as Internet video conferences or WebRTC video chat. “We realized how critical it was to proactively engineer our own fundamental systems. In doing so, we came up with three unique, ingenuous techniques for which we have filed patent protection.”
Getting the jump