Tag Archive for Victoria Kimuyu

“I Just Want To Show Others What’s Possible”: TLC Success Story Stephen Alan and Victoria Kimuyu

The success of Total Life Changes National Directors, husband and wife duo Stephen Alan and Victoria Kimuyu is testimony to the power of determination and positive thinking.
No achievement in the multi-level marketing industry comes without total commitment to the process, even in the face of considerable initial challenges. Although it only took Victoria two years to reach an income level of roughly $12,000 per month with TLC, those two years were a long and difficult road for the couple.
“Although we had success with retailing the products online, I wanted more,” Victoria recalls. “And to get more I needed to build a team. I struggled for all of 2016. We had built a system that not only retailed the tea for us, it also generated new leads every day.
And I still struggled with getting the right people on board that would stick. I couldn’t quite figure out why it wasn’t working.” Even during this period of hardship, the seeds of their eventual success were in place. Stephen was an experienced online marketer, with a passion for TLC products like Iaso® Tea and NutraBurst® that the couple themselves used at home.
“As Stephen once told me, this is a numbers game, it’s about