Tag Archive for Vern Lapuz

Vern Lapuz ARIIX Vision Award Winner

Vern Lupez from California, USA is ARIIX Vision Award Winner 2016.
ARIIX is a Triple A classified opportunity by Business For Home.
Each year, in each country in which ARIIX operates, a representative distinguishes him or herself in a way that truly demonstrates the growth and vision that is possible when Unleashing the Human potential for Good.
We are excited to share the story of ARIIX Vision Award winner Vern Lapuz, along with his strategies for reaching those big dreams.
Share with us your story – and how you found your way to the world of network marketing.
When I first discovered network marketing, I was a part-time college student and working at a Wal-Mart automotive department changing oil and rotating tires. Much like many of us, I attended a presentation and saw the potential for what it could do for my future.
I saw a lot of my peers and the people around me graduating from college, then struggling to find jobs and pay off their loans. I knew I needed a backup plan and figured that network marketing was the perfect fit.
Before I knew it, my Plan B became my Plan A! I spent seven years with another MLM before I was introduced to