Tag Archive for Venezuela

ByDzyne’s Samy Arias from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Fresh off its five-year celebration, ByDzyne has added to its infectious momentum yet again with the arrival of its newest shining star, 1-Star President Samy Arias from Venezuela. 
At 32 years old, this dynamic Venezuelan native, now residing in Ecuador, has taken the network marketing industry by storm with her unwavering dedication and inspiring leadership. She epitomizes the company’s vision and commitment to empowering its members and transforming lives globally. 
Although Samy’s journey with ByDzyne began three years ago, she has been a loyal and enthusiastic member ever since. Reflecting on her decision to join ByDzyne, Samy passionately states, “Their leadership and vision! They inspire me to build and develop with this company!” 
Admiration for the company’s direction and its leaders has not only fueled her determination, but also has reminded her that support is everything in this industry. In her message to the ByDzyne executive team, Samy expresses heartfelt gratitude, acknowledging their crucial role in her success. 
“I would like to thank each of you because I think that without the executive team, the logistics and the support you provide would not be possible to achieve our goals; you are fundamental for us!” 
Samy’s journey has been marked by her ability to connect deeply


ByDzyne’s Jonna Sánchez from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Continuing to unveil some of the industry’s most prominent new leaders, ByDzyne has yet another gem on hand with the emergence of Jonna Sánchez, the company’s newest 1-Star President from Venezuela. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Jonna, a 29-year-old Venezuelan entrepreneur who currently resides in the southern European country of Portugal, primarily served in traditional business models as a former psychologist and designer before finding the multi-level marketing industry. Two years in now and settled at ByDzyne, the Venezuelan leader believes her life looks completely different than it did in 2020. 
“The network marketing industry completely transformed my life. And so did ByDzyne. It is a company in constant evolution, working directly with trends that move the economy of today’s world,”
shared Jonna. 
ByDzyne’s executive team is ecstatic for their newest leader, and agrees that adapting to the various environments and economic markets the world scampers through is what sets the company apart. 
“Congratulations to our newest 1-Star President from Venezuela, Jonna Sánchez!
We recognize your efforts, tenacity, and perseverance today, Jonna, and believe with that drive there are even more victories up ahead for you.
You are right that this company is continually evolving to the latest


ByDzyne’s Mariana Darias from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Inspirational leaders in the network marketing world are continuing to emerge from ByDzyne, and the momentous company has yet another powerful leader on the rise with the arrival of new 1-Star President Mariana Darias from Venezuela. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Mariana, a 29-year-old rising Venezuelan entrepreneur who currently resides over 7,000 kilometers away on the beautiful island of Tenerife, Spain, has always been a faithful believer that true joy and freedom stem from people chasing after their dreams.
While she, herself, dedicated her effort and time to sales and visual merchandising at numerous fashion stores throughout Spain, she always knew she was meant for more. She wanted to grow and develop as a person, support her family, and most importantly leave a lasting impact on the world. 
In 2020, Mariana truly began that journey to achieve those goals. She was introduced to the direct sales industry and immediately fell in love with the opportunity for radical and transformative change. Mariana believes she’s now living that dream and gets to do it in a company that does not settle for anything less than extraordinary.   
“I decided to join ByDzyne because it is a company that allows me


Mariana Darias de ByDzyne, Venezuela, Alcanza El Puesto De Presidente 1-Estrella

Líderes inspiradores en el mundo de las redes de mercadeo siguen surgiendo de ByDzyne, y la trascendental compañía tiene otra poderosa líder en ascenso con la llegada de la nueva Presidente 1-Estrella Mariana Darias de Venezuela. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Mariana, una empresaria venezolana en ascenso de 29 años que actualmente reside a más de 7.000 kilómetros de distancia, en la hermosa isla de Tenerife (España), siempre ha sido una fiel creyente de que la verdadera alegría y la libertad surgen de las personas que persiguen sus sueños.
Aunque ella misma dedicó su esfuerzo y su tiempo a las ventas y a la comercialización visual en numerosas tiendas de moda de toda España, siempre supo que estaba destinada a más. Quería crecer y desarrollarse como persona, apoyar a su familia y, lo más importante, dejar un impacto duradero en el mundo. 
En 2020, Mariana realmente comenzó ese viaje para lograr esos objetivos. Fue introducida a la industria de ventas directas e inmediatamente se enamoró de la oportunidad de un cambio radical y transformador. Mariana cree que ahora está viviendo ese sueño y consigue hacerlo en una empresa que no se conforma


ByDzyne’s Germán Yumar from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Inspiring leaders at ByDzyne are continuing to emerge from all regions of South America, and the momentous company has its latest trailblazer on hand with the arrival of new 1-Star President Germán Yumar from Venezuela.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Germán, a 45-year-old entrepreneur from the capital and largest city of Venezuela, Caracas, has over two decades of experience in the national and international banking sector, including 15 years serving a private banking group in Miami, Florida, USA.
Although he had no prior experience in multi-level marketing, the Venezuelan leader was enamored by its opportunity and potential for growth and knew it was the right fit for him. Not even three years later, he still is certain he’s right where he needs to be.  
“Without hesitation, I chose ByDzyne because it is the first company to offer a hybrid e-commerce model in the network marketing industry.
The company also clearly delivers a great and unique marketplace of both physical products and digital services, and therefore, the decision to enter the direct sales business after 20 years of working in the traditional model became quite easy.
And knowing that great things can be achieved, including in my


Germán Yumar, de Venezuela, Presidente 1- Estrella de ByDzyne

Siguen surgiendo líderes inspiradores en ByDzyne de todas las regiones de Sudamérica, y la trascendental empresa tiene a su último pionero con la llegada del nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella Germán Yumar de Venezuela.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Germán, un empresario de 45 años de la capital y ciudad más grande de Venezuela, Caracas, cuenta con más de dos décadas de experiencia en el sector bancario nacional e internacional, incluidos 15 años al servicio de un grupo bancario privado en Miami, Florida (EE.UU.).
Aunque no tenía experiencia previa en redes de mercadeo, el líder venezolano quedó prendado de su oportunidad y potencial de crecimiento y supo que era lo que buscaba. Ni siquiera tres años después, sigue estando seguro de que está justo donde tiene que estar.  
“Sin dudarlo, elegí ByDzyne porque es la primera empresa que ofrece un modelo híbrido de comercio electrónico en el sector de redes de mercadeo.
La empresa también ofrece claramente un gran y único mercado tanto de productos físicos como de servicios digitales, y por lo tanto, la decisión de entrar en el negocio de la venta directa después de 20 años trabajando en el modelo tradicional


ByDzyne’s Unai Mazeika from Venezuela Achieves 3-Star President

At the epicenter of producing some of the world’s brightest young entrepreneurs, ByDzyne may have uncovered a rising star that quite possibly will shine the brightest when it’s all said and done, with the powerful emergence of new 3-Star President Unai Mazeika from Venezuela. 
*A 3-Star President generates over $1,000,000 USD of sales revenue in 15 days or less.
While Unai, a 30-year-old networker who currently resides in Miami, Florida (USA), has had a rollercoaster of a ride in network marketing with stints in and out of the industry over a 13-year period, the Venezuelan gave direct sales one final shot three years ago. 
He will be glad he followed his gut. So natural in his communication style and leadership approach, not even five years later, and Unai is now widely considered a global icon in the making and on a sure collision course with superstardom.
Humbled by the reverence, the young leader is quick to attribute the founders of ByDzyne as the spark that has lit the fire under his belly.   
“The leadership of the company was the fundamental factor in why I chose to plant my roots at ByDzyne.
In addition, this is a special company that will always be at the


ByDzyne’s Viviana Portillo Castillo from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

A majority of the industry’s rising generational talents continue to erupt out of South America, and ByDzyne has its latest star from the region with the emergence of new 1-Star President Viviana Portillo Castillo from Venezuela. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Viviana, a 31-year-old former lawyer who originally hails from the seaport city of Maracaibo, Venezuela, but now resides in Miami, USA, has only a few years in multi-level marketing under her belt, but is quickly making a name for herself.
Motivated to change the lives of others, especially her parents who she describes as her daily “engine,” Vivian fell in love with the industry and specifically ByDzyne because of the plethora of opportunities it presented to change her whole world and positively influence those around her. She often describes joining the company as the best decision she’s ever made. 
“The diversity in the products is something that made me click with the company since it does not limit you to distribute a physical product; there is a tremendous advantage in the digital products and services available because we can reach any part of the world and customers can start enjoying them from the moment of


ByDzyne’s Vanessa Martin from Venezuela Achieves 2-Star President

Dedicated to formulating some of the industry’s most prominent leaders in South America, ByDzyne’s executive team continue to deliver and this week has new 2-Star President Vanessa Martin from Venezuela to showcase. 
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less. 
Vanessa, a 38-year-old mother from the cultural and commercial center of the capital Caracas, Venezuela, is a former vascular technician who always wanted to be present and provide the very best for her family. When that desire became an almost insatiable yearning, however, she knew she needed to explore new opportunities.
After searching for months for that answer, in 2018 she soon found herself joyfully embedded in the world of multi-level marketing and hasn’t looked back. And now, not even a year ago, ByDzyne’s newest 2-Star President believes she has found the most ideal fit for her vision and goals.   
“I definitely chose ByDzyne because of the quality of leadership that exists here. I was in one of the highest ranks of another company, but I felt empty.
I realized that money is not everything, but rather personal growth and leadership are some of the most important factors.
Here at ByDzyne I was able to find


Vanessa Martin de ByDzyne de Venezuela alcanza el Presidente 2-Estrellas

Dedicado a la formulación de algunos de los líderes más prominentes de la industria en América del Sur, el equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne sigue entregando y esta semana tiene para mostrar a su nueva Presidente 2-Estrellas Vanessa Martin de Venezuela.
*Un Presidente 2-Estrellas genera más de $400,000 USD de facturación en dos semanas o menos. 
Vanessa, una madre de 38 años del centro cultural y comercial de la capital, Caracas, Venezuela, es una antigua técnica vascular que siempre quiso estar presente y ofrecer lo mejor a su familia. Sin embargo, cuando ese deseo se convirtió en un anhelo casi insaciable, supo que necesitaba explorar nuevas oportunidades.
Después de buscar durante meses esa respuesta, en 2018 pronto se encontró felizmente inmersa en el mundo de redes de mercadeo y no ha mirado atrás. Y ahora, no hace ni un año, la nueva Presidenta 2-Estrellas de ByDzyne cree que ha encontrado el ajuste más ideal para su visión y objetivos.   
“Definitivamente, elegí ByDzyne por la calidad del liderazgo que existe aquí. Yo ocupaba uno de los puestos más altos en otra empresa, pero me sentía vacía.
Me di cuenta de que el dinero no lo es todo, sino que el crecimiento personal y el liderazgo