Tag Archive for Top Leaders Garrett McGrath

Top Leaders Garrett And Sylvia McGrath Speakers At The European Direct Selling Congress

The McGraths have worked side-by-side since 1999 and together provide unique leadership training, coaching and personal mentoring to network marketing professionals through an original series of international daily live broadcasts, live events, videos, mentorship, tools and training systems.
The McGraths have also produced numerous videos, CDs, guidebooks and marketing tools for large network marketing organizations, and are currently Editorial Review Board Members for Networking Times magazine.
Garrett McGrath has over 25+ years of experience as a top network marketing professional. Garrett has built organizations in excess of 100,000+ distributors in 21 countries worldwide, together with his wife and business partner, Sylvia, and has served as Master Distributor for four network marketing companies over the past 20+ years.
Garrett was elected President of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals (ANMP) in 2012 and is a