Tag Archive for Top Earner Interview

Jennifer Maret Moran – IDLife Top Earner Interview

Jennifer Maret Moran, resides in Houston, Texas, USA and is the nr. 1 Top Eaner in IDLife.
IDLife stands for “Individually Designed Life.” The company offers natural, high-quality nutritional supplements and dietary products.
After graduating from Texas Tech University in 1989 and spending 17 years “trading hours for dollars” in corporate America, primarily as a medical/pharmaceutical rep and district trainer in outside sales, she now enjoy “Living The Dream” as IDLife’s #1 Top Income Earner. 
Jennifer has been in the industry a little over 10 years and, by no means, she is an “overnight success” in network marketing.   
Ted Nuyten had the honur to interview Jennifer:
Jennifer, how did you got into Network Marketing?
If you’re familiar with the bestseller “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, I came from the “Poor Dad” side of


Henry Ye – Ambit Energy From Immigrant To Million Dollar Earner

Henry Ye was born in China, grew up in Central America, and was educated in North America.
His dream was to travel around the world before he turned 55 to preach the gospel by becoming an evangelist.  Unfortunately, people in the U.S. end up in the 40/40/40 J.O.B. forumula. (40 hours a week for 40 years to retire on 40%)  
Ye says, “I think overwork, under pay, and not much time for our families are the major components of the J.O.B. (just over broke) system.  It doesn’t matter how fast and how far you travel but if you are going to the wrong direction, you will never get to your destination.” 
Seven years ago when a friend told him about the Ambit Energy business opportunity, he thought it just another buy and sell network marketing company therefore


Jeff and Michelle Altgilbers – 4Life Top Earner Interview

Jeff and Michelle Altgilbers from Knoxville, Tennessee, USA  are one of the top earners in 4Life and high up in the Business For Home Top 200 ranks at est. $200,000 per month.
His business produces $17 Million a Month.
Jeff started that with only $200 dollars in 18 months and went from broke to moving into a dream house.
He has earned over $12 Million in life time earnings and get paid out of 53 countries.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Jeff and Michelle Altgilbers.
Jeff and Michelle, how did you got involved into the Network Marketing business? Who invited you?
I got involved back in 1978 with Forever Living Products by a friend. I did not know anything about MLM and keep in mind at that time it was pre-internet almost pre-anything other than the phone and post office.
What was your opinion about MLM before you got involved?
I did not have an opinion since neither I nor my first sponsor understood the business model. I understood you needed to sell the product and get customers. The concept of having a a distribution network was unknown to me then.
What is the secret to your success?
 I have always believed the secret to success


Lamia Bettaeib – Wor(l)d Global Network Top Earner Interview

Lamia Bettaieb from Tunisia is living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is 11 times President Millionnaire in WOR(L)D Global Network. 11 times President Millionaire means that Lamia has earned over $3 million with her independent distributorship. She started 3 years ago with the opportunity.
Lamia has a team of 25,000 members with large groups in Europe and Asia and her estimated earnings are $250,000+ per month.
The company is in 5 of the industries active, Direct sales, Mobile Technology, Mobile Advertising, Video and VoIP Communications Renewable Energy.
WOR(l)D Global Network is a public company, headquartered in London and is in the process of become publicly listed in the UK.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Lamia Bettaieb.
Lamia, how did you got into the Direct Selling industry, who invited you?
I have known the direct selling industry by browsing on the internet, because I was fascinated by the lifestyle achieved by successful entrepreneurs in this sector. In the wake of this enthusiasm, I could not give up the invitation of a friend to my first event, organized by a company belonging to the world of direct sales.
At the end of the presentation I quickly realized that that was my world and I decided