Tag Archive for The Wolf Of Wallstreet

Jordan Belfort “The Wolf Of Wallstreet” And “The Straight Line System”

Jordan Belfort is an American entrepreneur, speaker, author, former banker and stockbroker that is a household name in the world of motivation and Network Marketing. From being a door-to-door meat and seafood salesman to a celebrated motivational speaker, Belfort has and is living a stellar career.
Taking stage on the Rise LATAM podium with thousands of the OmegaPro family watching live in person and tuning in through digital platforms, the main theme of his speech revolved around the importance of business ethics and learning from past mistakes. Jordan Belfort appealed to OmegaPro with what he calls the “Straight Line System“.
Money is important, but not only money is important:
 Belfort started by saying, “I have been rich and miserable. I have been rich and happy. I have been poor and miserable. But I have NEVER been poor and happy”.
Money is an enabler. He stressed on the importance of getting rich quickly. With the ensuing inflation and the inescapable fact of money losing its value with every passing minute, it is crucial for us to focus, strive and work hard and become financially free, fight mediocrity and be a beacon of life and hope for everyone around us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Belfort’s Mantra of