Tag Archive for Thanh Duong

Interview with Thanh Duong From Vietnam – OneLife Blue Diamond

With more than 10 years in the industry, Thanh Doung is rising in the Australian market, where the Success 4 All team led by Igor E. Alberts and Andreea Cimbala is achieving a significant development of leaders and sales.
Thanh already has a strong presence in the network marketing industry of that country and other parts of the world. He has recently got the Blue Diamond rank, one of the most prestigious titles in this business. For Thanh, such a distinction is not only a sign that his work is bearing fruit, but that the industry and the company work perfectly.
“I have reached the Blue Diamond rank after 6 months, which is something I am proud of. Not just because of the name of Blue Diamond, but also because I have proven that our system works perfectly, and I can do it. This also means the whole team can do it, too!”
Born in Vietnam but working mainly in Australia, there is certain interest about how he, as a networker, sees the differences between the two markets. We know Vietnam is really one of the most active points of the company, with very high ranks and which was one of the first