Tag Archive for Teamwork

Associates Find Talk Fusion Success Through Teamwork And Duplication

Talk Fusion Associates Cody and Marty Ramsey continue to convert their excitement about Talk Fusion into success. Following in the footsteps of their Sponsors, Diamonds Steve and Susan Baran, the Ramseys have just hit the rank of Diamond themselves and qualified for Talk Fusion’s Dream Getaway in Hawaii this December.
Cody and Marty are charting their path to financial freedom like thousands of others Independent Associates in over 140 countries. As so many had before them, the Ramseys turned to Talk Fusion as a solution to help overcome serious monetary difficulties.
“Like many folks out there, we were experiencing a time of financial frustration where our income was declining and our bills were on the rise,” remembers Cody. “I am happy to report that because of Talk Fusion’s Instant Pay Compensation Plan, the trend was reversed in our first week of working the business.”
Through guidance from the Barans, Cody and Marty quickly recognized the power and timing of Talk Fusion’s video communication products. “We have a chance to be involved in the beginning phases of a digital communication revolution. Talk Fusion has a product line that every person on the planet either wants, needs or uses daily,” Marty says, passing on the