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ARIIX Team Leader, Omar Moreno, Takes First-Place In Body Building Competition

ARIIX, an international opportunity company that promotes healthy, toxin-free living, is pleased to announce ARIIX Team Leader Omar Moreno’s recent first-place finish in his division in the National Gym Association (NGA) Northern States Natural Body Building competition.
Moreno’s victory, his third first-place win during the past year, grants him eligibility to advance to professional status within the NGA, to compete at the national level, and to become a trainer and mentor for up-and-coming bodybuilding competitors.
Moreno, who provides support for ARIIX representatives in North America, Canada, the Netherlands, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking market, has been competing for the last year and a half, when he made the decision to change his both his diet and his lifestyle.

“My father was diagnosed with diabetes and it inspired me to make a change in my own life,” explains Moreno. “I was tired of eating out, and how it made me feel, not to mention all the money I was spending. I changed my diet, did a lot of research, and started working out regularly.”

Moreno’s decision began in October 2013, when he accepted the invitation of a friend who was looking for training support for an upcoming bodybuilding competition. Working in the crowded gym and helping his friend perfect his routine, Moreno was