Tag Archive for Talk Fusion Associate

Talk Fusion Associate Embraces Culture Of Giving Back

When Talk Fusion Associate Aleksandr Plohih of Russia speaks about helping others, people listen. That’s because, at times, Aleksandr has needed plenty of help himself.
“I know the true value of life,” he explained, “as I am a disabled person and overcame a lot of operations.”
Diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth, Aleksandr’s condition was once so severe that he couldn’t even sit up, much less speak. His school lacked proper accommodations for the disabled, so Aleksandr completed training on his own to become a computer programmer. Today, he pursues his passion for technology by sharing Talk Fusion video products with others and helping them attain their dreams.
Aleksandr’s inspiring story doesn’t begin or end with his own condition. Far from it. Talk Fusion’s Business Opportunity and unique suite of video products have given the


Hearing Impaired Associate Uses Talk Fusion To Communicate With The World

Talk Fusion Associate Elena Shlaneva was born into a normal Russian family. She was the daughter of two loving parents and shared their Pskov home with a brother and twin sister.
Except Elena Shlaneva’s life was anything but normal; she was born deaf.
Her twin – in fact, and everyone else in her family – could hear. In order to deal with her hearing loss, Elena was sent to a special school, which meant she had to live apart from her family. Eventually the geographical and physical isolation took a toll on her.
“I always asked ‘Why was I the only one in my family who was deaf?’ I lived in constant pain,” Elena recalls. “I felt so bad about it, was so often in a bad mood, that I did not even want to live in the world of speakers.”
She dealt with her bitterness for 20 years with no hope in sight. She took a factory job, but felt that she had gone as far as she would ever be able to go. In her words: “just a plain, grey life.”
That would all change when a friend told her about Talk Fusion. With literally nothing to lose, she decided to try the