Tag Archive for Susan Wade

Top Industry Leader, Susan Wade Joins QuiAri

When QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Susan Wade from Nashville, Tennessee, joined the Network Marketing industry, she was determined from the very beginning to get to the top.
She had hopes and dreams that just couldn’t wait. 
“I found Direct Sales and it completely changed everything for my family.  At the age of 24, my husband and I were in debt with credit cards and student loans and both working long hours.  I wanted a way to help pay off our debt, but also be there for my future babies. I was a nurse, but my dream was to be a stay-at-home Mom,”
stated QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Susan Wade.
Susan fulfilled her dream and for the last 10 years has been a stay-at-home Mom of 5 beautiful girls as well as a full-time Network Marketing professional. Now she’s dreaming even bigger.
She recently joined QuiAri because of its reputation for having incredible, one-of-a-kind antioxidant products and an opportunity that is more generous than anything she has ever seen.
“This was the sizzle opportunity I had been waiting for. I knew 5-Minute Pay was different and set QuiAri apart from the rest. No one in the industry pays Promoters in over 111 countries worldwide


Top Industry Leader, Susan Wade Joins QuiAri

QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Susan Wade studied hard in school and hoped to one day dedicate her life to helping others. That dream came true when she graduated from the University of Memphis with a degree in Nursing.
As an RN at a local hospital, she specialized in helping Moms and newborn babies. Her dream had come true…or so she thought. Although Susan loved her job, it required sacrifices she wasn’t willing to make.  
“I worked really hard to achieve my goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse, and it was just as rewarding as I hoped it would be.
Being around children all day made me want to start a family of my own, but the reality of my situation was disheartening. I worked very long hours with not much flexibility and for average pay. My husband had a good job, but not enough for me to quit or even take time off. 
We had over $70,000 worth of student loan debt, owed $300,000+ on our house, and basically lived paycheck to paycheck. First, I had to accept that dreams can change over time, and that’s ok. My new dream was to be a stay-at-home Mom, but I had to find