Tag Archive for Su Jeong Lee

TLC’s Iaso Tea Fuels Counselor’s Dream Of Founding Alternative School

Many Total Life Changes stories originate from a place of financial hardship: the loss of a once-stable career, perhaps, or a history of familial poverty. The story of Su Jeong Lee of Daegu, South Korea is different, however.
“When I told my friends that I wanted to do network marketing, they were surprised,” she says. “Many told me not to do it. My husband’s a bank manager, and I’m a psychological counselor at a public school. Our relatives are the superintendents of the school board, and each of our children has a scholarship. Why take the risk?”
While she understands why her friends had reservations, she says she made the decision because she has a dream. As part of her work as a counselor, she’s dealt with many children who have difficulty adjusting to life at school. Some of these children face severe bullying, or have learning challenges which inhibit their progress. The combination is a formula for extreme stress, in a country which puts a high premium on academic success.
“Many Korean teenagers are committing suicide, and the pressure of working with some of these pupils was exhausting to me as well,” she recalls. She began to drink TLC’s Iaso® Tea on