Tag Archive for Steve Carter

Steve Carter Achieves Double President At World Global Network

In record-breaking time, Steve Carter hit the prestigious position of Double President in WOR(l)D Global Network and is now among only a few people in the history of the company to have accomplished this within the first couple weeks of joining.
Steve has generated a half million in revenue in his first cycle of business.
Steve Carter states:
“Having been a leader in the network marketing profession now for over 20 years, and having earned millions of dollars in my career, the way I approach every aspect of business and every aspect of my life is with well-thought-out calculation, due diligence, and execution.
With that said, even with me having immediate success in this company, I still waited to do this article so that I would be able to speak from the heart and with authenticity about what I see and feel. That time has come.
I have far too many people that trust my judgment and decisions for me to take any business decisions lightly, especially in the case where many people are looking for their leader to make the kind of decisions that will impact thousands of other people’s lives. Our industry is about sharing real opportunities of hope and possibilities with others.