Tag Archive for Steinkeller

Staffan Liback Takes Over The Steinkellers OneCoin Business

According to a OneLife press release Top Earner Staffan Liback takes over the Steinkellers $2.5 Milion a month network marketing business:
The Press release:
“Christian, Aron, Stephan Steinkeller and Staffan Liback (or the Four brothers as we know them) have successfully managed to create one of the biggest teams within the Network.
They formed an entire global family, duplicating their achievements with people from every corner of the world, getting their message across different ages, races and cultural backgrounds. They have proven to be leaders by example, working on the field and alongside their team members from all over the planet.
Dr. Ruja Ignatova, OneLife`s founder states,
“When I first met them I instantly saw their potential. As part of our dedicated top leadership, the Steinkeller brothers have been driving relevant digital projects for the Network, such as the MAB application.
We remained friends through the years and I look forward to seeing their next achievements!”
After long and beautiful Network Marketing Career, the Big Four have recently decided to devise a new leadership structure that will reflect better on their ambitions and goals for the next few years. Aron, Christian and Stephan Steinkeller will retire from the network marketing business to go long-term on new


Top Leaders Join OneCoin

According to a message to their community:
Top industry leaders and million dollar earners Brian Michael, Chris Cobb and Jon Carter join forces with the Steinkeller brothers and OneCoin.
“Hello everyone, This opportunity literally is meant to be.
Completely by chance we met Aron Steinkeller in London, UK in March this year and didn’t even know they were in London to do a team meeting with their Mexico leaders..
After being introduced to Aron we realised they are onto something big with OneCoin, and a few meetings later with their Legal team and Stephan Lee we decided to lock arms with the One Dream Team to bring One coin to the UK in a big way with ongoing seminars and webinars.
We accept with great excitement and enthusiasm this new challenge to build an even greater network


Top Leader Daniel Grenon Joins OneCoin

Daniel Grenon from Quebec, Canada has achieved the rank of Blue Diamond within his former opportunity – Organo Gold – and is after 6 years joining forces with the Steinkeller brothers in OneCoin.
A large part of OG France has been in his team. Daniel Grenon has send the next message to his team:
“Hello everyone,
It is with strong emotions that we share our decision to move to another level with our career plan in this wonderful industry called network marketing.
Indeed, after more than six (6) years with the same company, to study, to develop and to achieve our goals as Independent Distributors, we believe that the time has come for us to move forward in order to help as many people worldwide as possible to benefit from our expertise.
It is in this


Juha Parhiala – OneCoin Achieves $4 Million Per Month In Earnings

Juha Parhiala has hit the $4 million per month mark with his OneCoin distributorship which makes him the Nr. 1 Top Earner in the world according to the Business For Home Top Earners Ranks.
In December 2015 he achieved $1,5 Million per month.
Juha is from Finland and resides in Thailand since many years. His worldwide organisation has $60+ million volume per week and OneCoin has worldwide 1,3 million+ members after the acquisition of OPN.
Estimated revenue for OneCoin in December 2015 is $350 Million, the company has achieved $1 – $1.5 Billion in sales since interception.
Remarkable, as digital currency OneCoin has started in September 2014, the company is headquartered in Europe with worldwide operations.
Asia is Onecoin’s stronghold, however the company is expanding quickly in Europe thanks to the merger with Conligus in April


The Steinkeller Brothers Achieve $900,000 Per Month With OneCoin

Top Industry Leaders Aron, Christian and Stephan Steinkeller from Italy have achieved the $900,000 per month mark with digital currency opportunity OneCoin. It gives them a Top 5 position in the Business For Home Top Earner ranks.
OneCoin is headquartered in Europe (Bulgaria) with worldwide operations. The company focus on core markets such as South East Asian countries, Europe, India and Africa and has approx. 750,000 members.
According to the company:
“2015 has been a great year for OneCoin, reaching $1B Market Cap already in October. Imagine that if all our coins were mined today, we would have been the biggest player on the market! We made that possible thanks to the efforts of the OneCoin leaders and everybody in the network, working hard to promote the One concept.
With all the amazing people that joined


Bank Of Hungary – Issued Warning For Crypto Currencies

The Bank of Hungary has send a warning against Crypto Currency like Bitcoin and OneCoin.
I have reached out to co-founder and CEO of OneCoin Dr. Ruja Ignatova who stated:
” The Central bank draws attention that OneCoin – like Bitcoin is an investment with risks. As we all know high return potential and high risk go hand in hand, and for sure cryptocurrency or having your money in stocks is riskier than parking your money on a traditional savings account, which earns less than 0.5% interest p.a. We have seen Bitcoin show volatility and reach heights between 200 and 1200 USD.
The article below however does not say that OneCoin or Bitcoin are a pyramid scheme, but that early joiner make more money that late adapter.
OneCoin shows the same development and profit pattern