Tag Archive for Staffan Liback

Staffan Liback Takes Over The Steinkellers OneCoin Business

According to a OneLife press release Top Earner Staffan Liback takes over the Steinkellers $2.5 Milion a month network marketing business:
The Press release:
“Christian, Aron, Stephan Steinkeller and Staffan Liback (or the Four brothers as we know them) have successfully managed to create one of the biggest teams within the Network.
They formed an entire global family, duplicating their achievements with people from every corner of the world, getting their message across different ages, races and cultural backgrounds. They have proven to be leaders by example, working on the field and alongside their team members from all over the planet.
Dr. Ruja Ignatova, OneLife`s founder states,
“When I first met them I instantly saw their potential. As part of our dedicated top leadership, the Steinkeller brothers have been driving relevant digital projects for the Network, such as the MAB application.
We remained friends through the years and I look forward to seeing their next achievements!”
After long and beautiful Network Marketing Career, the Big Four have recently decided to devise a new leadership structure that will reflect better on their ambitions and goals for the next few years. Aron, Christian and Stephan Steinkeller will retire from the network marketing business to go long-term on new


Top Earner Staffan Liback: Take Your ReSPONSORbility!

Staffan Liback is one of the top earners in the Direct Selling Industry, this what he had to say about reSPONSORbility to his team and is also valid industry wide:
“Many of you know I have been in the Network Marketing industry for over 15 years.
Some of you know I have been a successful business owner, have had many great heights and some very deep lows. Only few of you know that by having been there I am now stronger than ever. I don’t mind the whole world knowing I have had successes and failures.
My credo: Work in silence, let success make the noise. 
Books are written about it, TV shows have been filled, all successful people keep saying it and history keeps proving it: Alone we can do so little, together we can do