Tag Archive for Stacey Bartley

Stacey Bartley Achieves Black Diamond Rank At The Happy Co.

A two-week, all-expenses-paid trip to Italy for her family, a backyard dream remodel, an outdoor home office “she shed” and a part-time nanny are just a few of the many perks Lafayette, California, mom and wife Stacey Bartley has enjoyed in her tenure as a Brand Partner with The Happy Co.
“What started as simply wanting to get my products paid for and then some bills covered has turned into a full-time income that has allowed me to truly give back to my family in ways I never imagined,” she says.
The Happy Co. opportunity also has enriched Stacey’s life on a personal level.
“It has given me so much more confidence to connect with people, and I have grown immensely because of that,” she explains.
When the now-40-year-old Stacey became pregnant with her daughter Avery, now 7, she left teaching to stay home full time.
“As much as I love and cherish being a mom, I soon realized I wanted and needed something of my own,” she says.
Stacey joined a network marketing company and says she learned a lot through the opportunity, “but ultimately felt a lack of alignment around the systems and non-income producing activities. To be completely transparent,” she adds,
“I almost walked away