Tag Archive for Side Business

Escaping the nine to five: can I turn my passion into a business?

Originally written by Legal Zoom on Small Business
Harley Davidson, Mattel, Disney. What do all these brands have in common? It’s not just that they are all iconic names that grew to dominate in their industry. Each of them also started out as a “garage business” as a way of escaping the nine to five.
By this we mean they were started by individuals who took a skill, talent, passion or hobby of their own and put it to work on a small scale. They then developed it into something much bigger. Doing what you love can certainly be a wonderful motivator. However, it takes more than passion alone to achieve success. So, what else needs to be thrown into the mix? This guide aims to help you find out.
Check your audience shares your passion
Harold Matson and Elliot Handler started out selling picture frames from a garage workshop. As an enjoyable sideline and a way of putting their talent to work, they had the idea of crafting dollhouse furniture from frame scraps. Soon, they found that the furniture was more profitable than the picture frames — and the toy specialist, Mattel, was born.
Escaping the nine to five
Whether it’s handmade toys, or amazing


Side businesses generate over £40bn a year to the UK economy

More than a quarter (27 per cent) of Brits in full time employment, over six million people, now own a side business – one that people run alongside their day job, according to new research from O2 Business. And they are reaping the rewards of their extra work. On average, side business owners are topping up their
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