Tag Archive for Rock Bottom To Rock Star

Visalus CEO Ryan Blair To Launch Second Book, Rock Bottom To Rock Star

For many millennial-aged people, fitness, nutrition and weight management aren’t a burden to bear, but are part of a holistic, healthy lifestyle.
This type of thinking can make for a much more contented outlook and perspective…and it has also led to an entire culture based on healthy living…and for investors, a major market opportunity.
Ryan Blair, CEO and co-founder of multi-level marketing company ViSalus Sciences is perhaps the poster child for how to engage with this market in a consistent and profitable way.
Since founding ViSalus Sciences in 2005, Blair has gone on to become a New York Times best-selling author for his book Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: How I Went from Gang Member to Multimillionaire Entrepreneur.
Recently, Equities.com had the opportunity to speak with Blair on moving past his troubled youth, engaging with