Tag Archive for Report

Vemma Sales Up 65%

Vemma has filed his quarterly report to the USA court.
The two big takeaways from this report is that sales since November are up 65% and Vemma would be profitable if it wasn’t for the debt the receiver created for the company.
I have a lot of respect for BK Boreyko, Vemma’s CEO. It is a General who lost 95% of his resources, revenue and troops, is under heavy fire, refuses to surrender and makes progress. “Never quit” is often a slogan in Network Marketing, BK Boreyko deserves the “Never quit” award
Despite the significant operational obstacles, 2,985 new Customers and 25 new Affiliates have joined Vemma since the company restarted its operations on October 8, 2015.
As described in detail in the Corporate Defendants’ Quarterly Report Dated:
The Temporary Receiver’s shutdown of worldwide


Vemma vs FTC – $2 Million in Sales Despite Major Challenges

In Network Marketing “Never Quit” is an often used saying, if one person proves to be King of “Never quit” it is Vemma’s CEO BK Boreyko.
Vemma Nutrition Company and Vemma International Holdings, Inc. (Vemma) has submitted on 15 december a quarterly report to the judge describing Vemma’s business operations over the past three months.
Respect for CEO and Founder BK Boreyko as he stated in the report:
“Vemma believes that it is successfully working through the backlog of issues created by the Receiver’s shutdown of the business, and will be able to operate in a profitable manner.
Although few companies have recovered from an ex parte asset freeze and the appointment of a Receiver, Vemma is proving to be the exception based on customer loyalty and demand for its innovative nutritional products”.
Since Vemma resumed


Vemma vs FTC – $2 Million in Sales Despite Major Challenges

In Network Marketing “Never Quit” is an often used saying, if one person proves to be King of “Never quit” it is Vemma’s CEO BK Boreyko.
Vemma Nutrition Company and Vemma International Holdings, Inc. (Vemma) has submitted on 15 december a quarterly report to the judge describing Vemma’s business operations over the past three months.
Respect for CEO and Founder BK Boreyko as he stated in the report:
“Vemma believes that it is successfully working through the backlog of issues created by the Receiver’s shutdown of the business, and will be able to operate in a profitable manner.
Although few companies have recovered from an ex parte asset freeze and the appointment of a Receiver, Vemma is proving to be the exception based on customer loyalty and demand for its innovative nutritional products”.
Since Vemma resumed


International Study Reveals Attitudes Toward Self-Employment – Amway

Are entrepreneurs born or made? And what drives them to start their own businesses?
These questions were posed by the 2014 Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report (AGER), an annual survey that takes the public pulse on the state of self-employment around the world. This year’s report explored entrepreneurship education.
Unique in its broadness and regularity, the AGER fosters global discussion on entrepreneurship and raises awareness of the significant role entrepreneurs play in modern economies. The groundbreaking first survey launched in 2010 as the Amway European Entrepreneurship Report, then expanded worldwide with the 2013 AGER, encompassing 24 countries. This year’s report spans a record 38 markets, with face-to-face and telephone interviews conducted with 43,902 men and women aged 14-99.

“Entrepreneurs play an important role in growing economies,” said Amway Chairman Steve Van Andel. “They create jobs, encourage competition and help communities grow and flourish. As the business environment has changed through the years, so have the reasons people decide to venture out on their own. We hope this report advances the discussion on entrepreneurship and leads to a deeper understanding of what can be done to encourage and better prepare more people around the world to start businesses of their own.”

2014 Key Findings
The AGER reveals that entrepreneurship