Tag Archive for Rebuild His Life

Talk Fusion Helps Japanese Associate Rebuild His Life

On May 28, 2015, Talk Fusion Associate Shigemitsu Iwasa will be enjoying his four day trip to paradise in Maui, Hawaii. With dedication and a last minute burst of effort, he achieved the rank of “Diamond” and qualified for Talk Fusion’s Dream Getaway vacation incentive.
It’s a testament to his determination and the power of the Talk Fusion Business Opportunity. While Shigemitsu will be delighting in the island sun and attending powerful motivational sessions held by Talk Fusion Top Leaders, just four years ago things were not looking nearly as bright.
Until 2011, Shigemitsu ran a successful driving school in Japan. Then the Great East Japan earthquake hit. It was the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan, and the fourth most powerful ever recorded.
The devastation was catastrophic. All told, over 1,000,000