Tag Archive for Ranks 32

WorldVentures Ranks 32 On DSN’s 2016 Global 100

WorldVentures, a global leader in the direct-selling travel sector, continues to propel through the ranks from 65 in 2014 to 47 in 2015, and now to 32 on Direct Selling News magazine’s Global 100 list.
The company was also placed 20 within the DSN North America 50 list. The announcement was made during the 7th annual DSN Global 100 Celebration at the Omni Hotel in Dallas, where hundreds of direct-selling executives gathered to honor one another’s achievements.
This is the seventh consecutive year WorldVentures has been named to the DSN Global 100—the most prestigious ranking for direct selling companies in the world–recognizing major industry players on an international scale. Both the global and North America lists are based on revenues from the previous year.
“As we just celebrated our 10-year anniversary in December,