Tag Archive for Randy Schroeder

Industry Icon Randy Schroeder Joins Start-Up Nelo Life

Nelo life is a company which paid out in their first months $500,000 in commissions, which is a remarkable achievement for a start-up.
Randy Schroeder has long been known as being among the elite leaders and builders in the direct selling world, with career commissions earned well in excess of $45 million.
Randy Schroeder said:

Why Nelo Life? At this point in my career, I can see with clarity that much of my success has been owing to the fact that I am by nature, a persuader.
For over three decades, I have persuaded others that the fundamental principles governing network marketing are superior to the principles which govern conventional business.

Schroeder continued:
For a season of my career, I persuaded others that using a non prescription alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction would be a good thing to do. For a season of my career I persuaded others of the reasons to use and consume the acai berry for its high anti oxident values. And for a season I persuaded others that non psycho active cannabis products have health benefit.
Because I am by nature a persuader, all of the above has been relatively easy for me. And yet, for so many (way


Randy Schroeder – Kannaway Experiences Meteoric Growth

Randy Schroeder stated:
Those who know the history of my career know that the period of my greatest direct selling success was the period between 1991 and 2001, when I was a part of the leadership structure at Rexall Showcase International.
The meteoric growth we are experiencing in Kannaway is only now causing all past personal success records to fall, one by one.
One of the great keys to that past success was an assembly of leadership which was skilled, varied in style yet completely complimentary of each other. Of special importance was our combined ability to successfully launch and build large organizations in Asia.
How thrilled I am to announce today that two of the integral parts of that leadership structure of the past, have now joined Kannaway to build the future.
These men, Gordon Oswald and Glade Poulsen are two of the best, ever…in our entire industry. I have known Glade since 1977…and Gordon since 1993. We know each other well.
Glade and Gordon, amazingly, have built organisations whose combined sales eclipse $3 Billion. Incredible.
The power of the CBD/end of the prohibition of cannabis plus the Kannaway management group and compensation structure plus long relationships of mutual trust and respect have combined to bring


Industry Icon Randy Schroeder Achieves Crown Ambassador Rank At Kannaway

Randy Schroeder is a 29-year veteran of the direct sales industry, having successfully worked as both a distributor and a corporate executive since 1989.
He has earned as independent distributor over $30 million over the course of his career in direct selling.
In a short time he has achieved the top rank in Kannaway, specialised in hemp-based botanical products. This April he will speak at the Kannaway National Conference in Las Vegas.
Randy has also been instrumental in Kannaway’s expansion into Europe. Kannaway went on a two week, multi-city tour of Europe last September, promoting the many benefits of CBD and the Kannaway system at events around Europe. The central goal of this historic trip was to introduce Kannaway to the European market.
Kannaway hosted these events to help build excitement, recruit new distributors, and educate existing brand ambassadors on the best practices for growing their CBD oil business. Randy’s passion for CBD oil and Kannaway was on full display as he spoke at these groundbreaking European events..
In addition to his role as a Brand Ambassador, Randy created a training module that he shares with his fellow distributors. He regularly teaches his 10 steps to success at Kannaway events where he describes his insights into the industry and


HopRocket Appoints Randy Schroeder As Master Distributor

Randy Schroeder has earned in excess of $1 million in commissions for each of the past 20 years. He has reached the pinnacle of success both as distributor as corporate direct selling executive.
In a message to his community he stated:
” I am so very pleased to announce that I have joined HopRocket as Master Distributor.
I recall my early days in direct selling: those were days when members of companies routinely received $1.00 in commissionable volume for each dollar spent in product purchases. In the years since then, there has been a steady increase, industry wide, in price to PV ratios.
The net effect is that it has become increasingly difficult for new members to become profitable quickly. This is a challenge not easily overcome. And, compensation methodologies have gradually transitioned from


Industry Leader, Randy Schroeder, Joins ForeverGreen

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation, a leading direct marketing company and provider of health-centered products, announced that Randy Schroeder, a global industry leader, has joined its membership base.
During his 24 years’ industry experience, Randy has become among the most successful and highly-regarded figures in the direct selling industry. Through his successes both domestically and internationally, Randy has generated a commission income of more than $1M annually for the past 20 consecutive years. Additionally, Randy has created a strong following by disseminating his deep passion and keen knowledge for the industry through his personal growth and leadership mentoring efforts.
Randy expressed his excitement at becoming a member of ForeverGreen – what he is referring to as the “next chapter” in his career – by explaining that he feels ForeverGreen possesses the basic elements necessary to be successful in this industry. He believes ForeverGreen, with the FGXpress model, has products that matter to people, an extraordinary management team and the right timing, direction, speed and destination, as well as a great compensation plan.
Randy believes PowerStrips™ attract people to the direct selling industry that otherwise would not enter it, made possible by the product’s status as a listed medical device with the U.S. FDA. Randy also said he is