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Jeunesse Closes Out February With Record $65 Million In Sales

Jeunesse welcomes over 81,000 new Distributors in February. The company continues to surpass previous records, remaining steady on a path of unprecedented sales growth.
The company has just announced an astounding $65 million in sales revenue during the month of February, boosting combined sales figures for January and February up 148% over those months in the previous year.
This new peak in sales revenue occurred just two months after the company’s previous record month in December, 2014, when Jeunesse achieved $61 million in sales and added more than 68,000 new distributors.
The latest announcement also revealed that Jeunesse added a total of 81,252 new distributors in February alone, with over 8,000 new distributors joining on the final day of the month.
Significant growth in the US and Canada markets was particularly noteworthy. Sales