Tag Archive for Pyramid

Vemma CEO Responds To Accusations In The Media

BK Boreyko, CEO Vemma, reponds to accusations in the media in the next statement to Vemma Elite members:
“Last year, together we accomplished something only 18 out of the thousands of networking companies in the world did – we GREW by $103 million to finish at $221 million! This marked the biggest, most successful company in my career. It just figures when you’re bigger than ever, you’ll receive more negative attention than ever. I don’t understand why success attracts negativity, but it always has and I guess it always will.
The recent media coverage on Vemma has been disappointing. Our strategy to move to affiliate marketing and improve our business model was designed to make our opportunity more attractive. Well, I learned early on to turn my disappointments into determination. I don’t know what fires you up, but hate towards what we do and who we help is my fuel for the future!
Let’s talk a bit about the media and their view on what we do. Recently, the producers from the Today Show asked for comments on these topics below and our answers were on point. Some of the topics made it into the show, some didn’t. Below I’ve expanded our responses