Tag Archive for Purple Diamond!

Kim Chansol Becomes Kyäni’s Most Recent Purple Diamond

When Kim Chansol first heard about Kyäni during a visit to Sydney, Australia, he knew he was looking at something special.
So, for the past two years, he’s worked diligently to share Kyäni’s innovative wellness and nutrition products—as well as the business opportunity—with as many people as possible.
As a result, he is now celebrated as one of Kyäni’s top business partners in Korea!
At only 28, becoming a Purple Diamond is no small feat. But Kim is motivated to do the hard work required as he stays committed to his“why,” —  which is to make a difference by developing a network marketing team that can benefit everyone, no matter the size of their goals. 
“Out of all the network marketing companies I’ve learned about, Kyäni has a unique culture of pure goodwill,”
Kim says.
“I love that Kyäni has excellent products and a reasonable compensation plan. I chose Kyani because it is a network marketing company without limitations.
This company has all the market power and global business opportunities that can provide limitless growth over time.”
But Kim has already experienced that the kind of growth possible at Kyäni doesn’t come easily.
“I started a network marketing business when I was 24