Tag Archive for Protandim

Study Confirms Protandim Extends Life

A new study sponsored by the NIA ITP and published in Aging Cell found what developers and users of LifeVantage – a Triple AAA+ classified opportunity by Business For Home – have held to be true for a very long time.
As part of the NIA ITP federally-funded program that examines treatments with the “potential to extend lifespan and delay disease and dysfunction,” and thereby extend lifespan, researchers provided the supplement Protandim® mice in a rigorous and carefully controlled study.
The result: Protandim was proven to “significantly increase the lifespan of male mice, with a 7 percent increase in median survival.” The findings on female mice were less dramatically conclusive, showing an increase in lifespan of 3 percent.
Since the NIA ITP program’s inception in 1999, Protandim is the only nutritional supplement tested that