Tag Archive for Presidential Diamond

Freddy Oliveros Achieve Presidential Diamond at BE

Freddy Oliveros came from a middle-low income family in Bogota, Colombia. He studied acting, but was always also passionate about entrepreneurship.
After studying business for a few years, he got involved in network marketing by 2013 and started his own business. He developed it over the next year and a half before deciding to give up, seeing little to no results.
He found himself working for a company selling beauty products. But it felt mundane, as he had no passion for the new venture, only wanting financial gain. Still, he maintained his work ethic.
Every day, he started work very early in the morning until very late at night because this time, he saw a real opportunity to earn. For almost 4 years after that, despite all his efforts, he was still far from his goals.
Before BE, It Was a Life of Struggle
The little progress was weighing on him heavily.
“My financial goal was closely linked to a personal goal—I wanted to give my parents the retirement they deserved,”
Freddy then described what each day looked like for his family. 
“My mom got up at 3:45 every morning and worked until 11 at night. My dad’s vision was damaged, so he had


Luis Fernando Garcia-Herreros and Elina Garzon Pineda Achieve Presidential Diamond at BE

The end of 2014 was a rough time for the oil sector. Luis Fernando García-Herreros and his wife were beginning to worry they’d lose their jobs because of it. Luis was a mechatronics engineer and retired Navy officer.
“Neither my wife nor I had any background in sales, but we jumped straight into it,”
Luis narrated.
“We didn’t have any connections or a wide circle of friends. We were private people, especially me. But there we were, both willing to jump on a new journey together.
“It has been eight years since then. We no longer think like employees but as passionate entrepreneurs, and we’ve been rewarded well for our decision.”
As savvy businesspeople, they stayed open to other opportunities. One day, Luis discovered how much his younger brother, who had also joined the world of network marketing, was earning from BE. That piqued his interest.
“It was then when I understood that technology and services are much faster than product businesses.” Little did he know how interesting the rest of his journey in this industry would be after that.”
With evident sincerity, Luis said,
“I say with my whole heart that I owe it all to my younger brother. He was the person who took