Tag Archive for post-Brexit

The best companies to start in a post-Brexit UK

Those with long memories may recall the panic over the so-called Millennium Bug at the turn of the century. The theory was that, because computers would not be able to understand the concept of the year 2000, they would melt down, plunging civilisation into chaos. Some countries spent huge sums tackling the bug. Others spent
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Number of people wanting to launch a business increases Post-Brexit

The NatWest Entrepreneurship Monitor reveals that interest in starting a new business has been increasing in 2017, after having fallen to a historic low in the run up to and post-Brexit vote. Following the vote, economic uncertainty shook the confidence of would-be-entrepreneurs with the proportion of people wanting to start a new business dropping from 39 per
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Businesses fear post-Brexit era – planning for a new future

The UK business community is hesitant to commit to a future in the UK post-Brexit, an independent study commissioned by Dun & Bradstreet reveals. Overwhelmed by concerns about the future of their business once Article 50 is invoked, 19 per cent of businesses have halted or slowed growth or expansion plans in the UK. While over
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