Tag Archive for Portugal

iGenius 2024 Leadership Summit in Lisbon, Portugal

Last week, Lisbon became the epicenter of inspiration and growth as iGenius joined top field leaders for an exclusive leadership event at the stunning Altis Grand Hotel.
Set against the backdrop of Lisbon’s historic charm and vibrant culture, the event was nothing short of extraordinary—a powerful blend of team building, strategic masterminds, and well-deserved celebrations.
The event kicked off with an opening session that set the tone for what was to come: an opportunity to dive deep into the future of iGenius, brainstorm bold ideas, and forge stronger connections. The hotel’s idyllic setting provided the perfect environment for creative thinking and collaboration.
One of the highlights of the event was the series of mastermind strategy sessions. Leaders from across the company came together to share insights, tackle challenges, and craft strategies that will guide iGenius into the next phase of growth. These sessions were not just about business—they were about pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve together.
But it wasn’t all work! The Leadership Summit featured team-building activities that brought everyone closer. The event culminated with an awards ceremony, where we celebrated the achievements and contributions of our outstanding leaders.
The night was filled with emotion as we recognized those who


Paulo And Liliana Alves From Portugal Join LifeWave, Achieve 2nd Highest Rank

Network Marketing Leaders, Paulo and Liliana Alves from Portugal, recently decide to partner up with their friends and Network Marketing Legends, Steve and Gina Merritt in LifeWave promoting the X39 Technology.
Currently LifeWave is ranked the #2 Momentum Company in the industry per Business For Home. LifeWave is experiencing explosive growth in America and now expanding to Europe.
Paulo and Liliana are Breaking Records with LifeWave in Europe as they have made Portugal, where they live the Fastest Growing Country in the entire world of LifeWave. Growing over 1,400% last month which proves the momentum that is happening in LifeWave.
Paulo and Liliana have been in the industry for 15 years and at the highest level before they decided to start from zero to pursue the LifeWave Opportunity. One of the biggest reasons in Paulo and Liliana’s decision to make this important move was finding a product that was not a Me Too or the same as all the other companies have.
The X39 was recently patented, its exclusive, and more importantly no other network, or company has this phototherapy technology. Successful network marketers understand the power behind a product-based network, but it’s hard to find a company that has a product as unique as


Luis & Taisa Serrano From Portugal Achieve Executive Vice President Rank At PM International

Luis and Taisa Serrano stated upon their achievement:
Our story started in late 2006 when my friend David introduced us to the Network Marketing industry, we were an example of how sponsoring just one person can change their life in the Networking Marketing business, this was in our case, David only sponsored one person who was us, and shortly after he left the business.
At that time, we were the owners of a franchising brand, but we were completely broke.
We didn’t know how to provide income for the home, life took so many turns that after 4 years we sold the company to become full-time Networkers, now, 11 years later that both Taisa and fulltime in the Network Marketing industry.
We have experienced great challenges in this industry, but we always look to the future to focus on the positive things, in 2015 we were in momentum building with Monavie when the company was acquired, it was a real bucket of cold water… we lost 90% of our network, although we may have not identified with new company direction, we created our own strategy to move forward.
In August 2020, we came to a point where we stopped identifying with the company’s vision and


Tiens Founder To Set Up University In China

Li Jinyuan, President of the Tiens Group in China, which was recently in the news for taking 6400 distributors on an all expenses paid vacation to France, is planning to establish a University in China.

The future university, located in Tianjin, the largest port in northern China, about 150 kilometers from Beijing, will start operating in 2018. The university is reportedly funded by an investment of approximately  $1530 million by Li Jinyuan.
The projected Tiens University will be spread over 3.2 square kilometers, with 210 hectares construction area and is designed to accommodate 30,000 students.
The Malo Clinic group from Portugal has been invited to help set up the Faculty of Dentistry at the Tiens University, according to the Paulo Malo, the Group President.
In addition to dentistry, the university will have courses in Traditional Chinese