Tag Archive for pin levels

Limu Adds New Pin Levels With Cash Bonuses, Enhancing Compensation Plan

THREE brand new pin ranks were just announced at LIMU LIVE! Fort Worth. That means three new cash bonuses to reward their distributors at additional milestones on their journey to success. The new levels include;
• 300K with $30,000 cash bonus
• 750K with $120,000 cash bonus
• 2M with $250,000 cash bonus
One-time cash bonuses are not the only thing that LIMU added but added monthly cash bonuses as well. Effective immediately, distributors can now score a Lifetime Cash Bonus — a new enhancement to the LIMU Prosperity Plan. LIMU is a trendsetter, the first in the industry to offer this kind of game-changing residual bonus — another unprecedented perk of the LIMU Experience.
Starting at the 500K rank, distributors can get rewarded in depth. Earn up to 1% of their total qualifying sales volume ON TOP OF regular commissions.
The Limu Company was founded by Gary Raser (CEO) in 2004, one of the most established and successful businessmen in the industry.
The executive team holds more than 125 combined years of successful experience and the weekend that LIMU opened it’s doors, over 9,000 applications poured into the office’s fax machine in just two days time.
LIMU is headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida, USA and is operating in over 24 countries including Japan, Canada and Australia.