Tag Archive for Phishing

iPhone users suffer twice as many phishing attacks as Android users

Two thirds of mobile phishing attacks take place on iOS mobile devices with its users experiencing twice as many attacks as Android mobile users (63 per cent vs 37 per cent respectively); as gaming apps are revealed as the most common source of mobile data security breaches attempted by hackers. Contrary to public perception, data from a
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20 years on and phishing is still your biggest problem?

Check out this screenshot. At first glance, it seems legitimate. An email from a reputable organisation, its recognisable logo is accompanied with a request to provide personal information and a convenient link to click through. However, a few tell-tale signs reveal this as a classic phishing attempt; the sender’s email or web address is different
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Leveraging that phishing email

In the world of credential theft, phishing continues to be a popular method of attack and is on the increase, as malicious actors become more sophisticated and targeted in their methods. In fact, 64 per cent of global firms have experienced at least one disruption as a result of malicious activity in the last year and
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Three quarters of users who click a phishing link surrender password details

A new research report, released today by phishd by MWR InfoSecurity, reveals the extent to which employees remain susceptible to phishing attacks and freely provide user credentials such as their username and password combinations, despite user awareness and education schemes on the dangers of clicking on unverified links. In a review of 100 recent phishd
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How to Protect Yourself From Getting Your Information Stolen

By Sarah Landrum Remember that day the web went crazy when an image of Mark Zuckerberg revealed tape across his computer’s camera? For a moment, you might’ve thought it was Photoshopped. It wasn’t. Considering the power and reach of today’s hackers, it doesn’t seem so extreme — at least if you’re a social media giant […]

The post How to Protect Yourself From Getting Your Information Stolen appeared first on The Work at Home Woman.


SMEs fail to recognise email phishing attempts

Results of a survey challenging respondents to spot fake emails used for phishing have indicated that 98 per cent of respondents (including a number of IT professionals) failed to recognise email phishing attempts. The survey, conducted by IT services company, Conosco, targeted a select group of senior individuals across a range of SME companies, to gauge how well
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