Tag Archive for Owner

Klaus Bardenhagen and Michael Turton – Behind MLM – Bloggers?

Klaus Bardenhagen and Michael Turton might be the bloggers who run together BehindMLM, under the editors nickname “Oz” a website very Network Marketing unfriendly. 
They analyze in depth compensation plans and in 90% of all cases their biased – false conclusion is the same: It’s a pyramid, a ponzi or a recruitment scheme. A number of companies want to sue BehindMLM.
BehindMLM articles are very often published with the worse photo they can find of the CEO or owner. They never wanted to reveal their identity for obvious reasons – get sued…
We at Business For Home have the opinion if you are so explicit negative about Network Marketing then stand up and reveal your real name.
Klaus Bardenhagen is a German citizen, freelance reporter living and working in Taiwan – Taipei.
Michael Turton is an


Michael Turton – Behind MLM – Blogger?

Michael Turton might be the blogger who runs Behind MLM, under the nickname “Oz” a website very Network Marketing unfriendly. 
Turton analyses in depth compensation plans and in 90% of all cases his conclusion is the same: It’s a pyramid, a ponzi or a recruitment scheme.
Articles are very often published with the worse photo he can find of the CEO or owner. He never wants to reveal his identity.
We at Business For Home have the opinion if you are so explicit negative about Network Marketing then stand up and reveal your real name.
Turton is an USA citizen born in Pennsylvania, is living for 20 years in Taiwan in the city of Taichung, married to Sylvia Shih and also runs a political website: The View from Taiwan which has drawn the attention


Michael Turton – Behind MLM – Blogger Identity Exposed

Michael Turton is the blogger who runs the Behind MLM, under the nickname “Oz” a website very Network Marketing unfriendly.
Turton analyses in depth compensation plans and in 90% of all cases his conclusion is the same: It’s a pyramid, a ponzi or a recruitment scheme.
Articles are very often published with the worse photo he can find of the CEO or owner. He never wanted to reveal his identity.
We at Business For Home have the opinion if you are so explicit negative about Network Marketing then stand up and reveal your real name.
Turton is an USA citizen born in Pennsylvania, is living for 20 years in Taiwan in the city of Taichung, married to Sylvia Shih and also runs a political website: The View from Taiwan which has drawn the attention