Tag Archive for Overseas expansion

Doing business abroad: 2020’s top 3 countries for international expansion

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
If you think your business could benefit consumers outside your home country, perhaps it’s time to expand your horizons. Many successful companies reach a point where they’ve earned a sizeable share of their domestic market, which makes going global their only logical next step.
Once you’ve decided to venture abroad, you will need to conduct extensive research to determine which locations to target. This will depend on factors like what goods or services your company offers and the market it currently serves. However, there are some countries which are arguably riper for investment than others, particularly those with a strong economy, availability of talent and low start-up costs, all of which serve as good indications of a nation’s suitability. Here are three nations to think about expanding into.
1. France
The first place you should consider is conveniently close to home. One of the top five countries to invest in and the world’s sixth-largest economy, France’s economic stature alone makes it well worth investigating. In their guide on doing business in France, international language experts London Translations cite France’s world-leading electronics, manufacturing and finance sectors as a great reason for British businesses to reach out.
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