Tag Archive for Office workspace

9 factors that will help you choose the right office location

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Choosing the right office location is not to be hurried – you’ve got a lot of considerations around the space itself and how it impacts on your staff as well as your clients.
Run through the following points to focus your search, whichever stage you’re at.
Office lease or co-working space?
The first decision you should make is what kind of space to move into.
Office leases are more expensive and do tie you in for a longer period, but they give you more freedom in what you can do with the space. Personalising the space with your own branding makes a significant difference to your team’s morale and the image that you present to clients, especially in more traditional sectors like finance.
Co-working spaces will be better for you if you have fewer members of staff and some growth potential, or you only need the space for a limited period of time. What’s more, being in a co-working space strips away responsibilities like replacing coffee and toilet roll. These spaces often organise free classes, clubs and talks (and dish out free biscuits!) to promote worker wellbeing too.
Read Co-working space versus traditional office – which is better? for