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JM Ocean Avenue Aligns With Veretekk

Veretekk.com, Inc. announced today a strategic alliance with new powerhouse company, JM Ocean Avenue. JM Ocean Avenue has secured exclusive benefit to the strategic marketing technology of the Veretekk online automated marketing system.
JM Ocean Avenue is a direct sales company formed by the June 2014 merger of Ocean Avenue and JM International, with partial ownership coming from JM China, a more than $2 Billion per year company.
After nearly 2 decades of servicing the industry Veretekk has had the opportunity to work closely with over 70 well known companies, said Veretekk CEO, Thomas Prendergast. Never have we been as impressed as we are with JM Ocean Avenue, its management team, emphasis on family values, and general standing within the industry.
The arrangement will grant JM Ocean Avenue exclusive benefits from the Veretekk marketing platform and all associated technologies. The system will be re-branded as the WavRiders Network. Many aspects of the Veretekk service will remain intact for continued use by customers while others will be consolidated in support of the strategic goals of JM Ocean Avenue.
The Veretekk name and brand has been well known throughout online marketing circles for about as long as the Internet itself has been around, remarked JM