Tag Archive for Neumi

Neumi Is Growing Fast

Top Leader Michael Firth stated:
“Many industry leaders will tell you that joining a network marketing company in its early days is a double-edged sword. Yes, it’s a time ripe with potential, but it’s also a period fraught with challenges.

We are now open for business in 72 countries, including recent launches in Indonesia with over 6,000 attendees across two events. Latin America is on fire, Europe is taking off, Hungary is exploding, and new records are being set in Israel. Japan and Thailand are also poised for pre-launch, adding to the excitement.

This is when the bugs are ironed out and the foundation is laid. Some companies, invariably, never make it past these initial hurdles, possibly due to overcapitalisation, spreading too thin or lacking a unique product that stands out in the market.
What’s truly exciting is that Neumi has not only navigated these treacherous waters but has also thrived against the odds, staying in the top tier of growth and maintaining a AAA+ rating in the industry. This speaks volumes about our product’s validity, competitive pricing, compensation plan, and strong field leadership.
Could we have done better in these first three years? Absolutely. Anyone who claims otherwise is likely trying to sell you


Karen Justice Said NO To Neumi However Reached The Top Of The Compensation Plan

“When opportunity knocked, I said NO.”
Karen Justice stated:

My friend Larry had excitedly reached out about a relatively new company called Neumi but when he mentioned network marketing, I felt like doing an eye roll and face plant. I thought I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than join another multi-level company.

I’m a cartoonist and author of several books on referral marketing that I’ve dedicated to people who aren’t sales types— making marketing less manipulative and more authentic for them. I underline humor in life’s drama because a smile is the shortest distance between people and a little laughter is always uplifting. Humor opens hearts so I’ve also created funny greeting cards for the marketing arena.
I’ve been a lead distributor and at the top of compensation plans. I’ve also received numerous awards for my efforts. So if this was all true, how come I was now feeling completely burnt out?
The answer was my heart had been broken too many times. I’d met too many junkies and sharks plus dishonest owners with hidden agendas who extinguished hope. I had what I now jokingly call Network Marketing PTSD.
Luckily for me my friend Larry didn’t accept NO. He asked

“If I send you


Neumi Ranked As Triple AAA+ Opportunity For 2024

Neumi, a start-up network marketing company, is selling Health products (NutriSwish) and Skin Care (Neumi Skin) and has cultivated a solid reputation in the industry by taking bold strides in 2023.
With an estimated annual revenue of $18 million, they commendably managed to offer 53% as commission pay, which notably surpasses the industry standard of 35%. This indicates the company’s commitment to fostering growth whilst providing attractive opportunities for its associates. According to Neumi:

“Founder and CEO Steven K. Scott has spent his whole life searching for breakthrough products, purchasing the rights to those products, and marketing them on TV. Over the years, Steve has generated over 4 billion dollars in revenue. 
After working for 30 years in the health & beauty industries, Steve was ready to retire until he found what he called “the biggest breakthrough of his entire life”. Steve decided to come out of retirement to share this breakthrough with the world.”

This article is written by Team Business For Home and is fact checked by Ted Nuyten – CEO of Business For Home.
The firm’s growth trajectory and the scope of its influence have continued to widen as noted in a recent report. Expanding its footprint and garnering recognition across numerous markets, Neumi’s global expansion has


Michael Firth Achieves Crown Rank At Neumi

Neumi’s Aligned Leadership Sets a Solid Standard for the Future of the Industry
Meet Michael Firth, one of the Founding Field Advisory Board members at Neumi. With a career background that includes many years in the mortgage industry, it was his passion for reform that truly ignited his purpose.
In 2007, whilst Michael was National Sales Coach for one of the largest mortgage aggregation organisations in Australia, the company observed unethical behavior being rewarded and overlooked in the industry. So they initiated internal reforms and higher training standards which triggered a ripple effect of improvements across the entire Australian mortgage industry. Later, when a new wellness technology centered around Glutathione launched in Australia, Michael saw an opportunity to find a way out of the rat race and strive to achieve a more balanced lifestyle.
Quickly rising as a leader in that company, Michael was dismayed to encounter familiar patterns of egos, greed, and dishonesty at the highest levels, even within the executive team. Consequently, he knew he could no longer align with that organization with unfortunate circumstances forcing him to walk away.
It was at this critical juncture that Michael found hope for a transformation within the industry itself. Neumi presented a beacon


Steven K. Scott’s Company “Neumi” Skyrockets In First 12 Months Since Launch

Billion-dollar business builder and best-selling author Steven K. Scott was set to retire and sail off into the sunset until he came across a scientific breakthrough that changed everything.
Steve’s primary success came through the television infomercial industry, where he co-founded more than a dozen multi-million- dollar companies in various industries.
His Total-Gym infomercial campaign has been on the air continuously for more than 26 years, achieving billions of dollars in sales.
The cornerstone of Scott’s success has been the ability to find and bring to market, products that are TRUE breakthroughs. He defines a breakthrough as a product that is more efficient, effective, or economical than any competitive product in the marketplace.
If a product meets Steve’s breakthrough criteria, he goes after it with a passion, knowing its extraordinary potential.
After leaving his last company in 2017, Steve, planned to retire and finish several new books for his publishers, Random House and Harper Collins.
But the universe had another idea. He found chat he called the biggest breakthrough of his lifetime, and he invested millions to pursue this breakthrough.
It was a novel nano-technology that dramatically increases the bioavailability and cellular utilization of one of life’s most important molecules, glutathione.
This new, groundbreaking process for nano-sizing