Tag Archive for Network Marketing congress

Top Leader Daniel Feier Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

Danien Feier says:
“My mission is to lead people to their breakthrough point by working side by side with them and sharing all the secrets of network marketing”
I’ve been working in Network Marketing for a very long time, almost 15 years now. I’m completely dedicated to this industry, and in love with it, because it is the reason why I’m living the life I’ve always wanted.
What I do is twofold: I actively work to make my business and network grow, and I’m a network marketing coach, for people new in this field or people who feel they need a hand to help them step up and go to the next level.
I was 17 when I first became aware of the network marketing industry and when that happened I couldn’t sleep at night– I immediately felt deep inside that this was my chance.
Now I’m 31 and I’ve done many things: grown, learned a lot and improved myself, met extraordinary people, built a successful business and — most importantly — I’ve been living the life I’ve always dreamed of and which makes me happy. It might sound sentimental, but that is exactly what


Top Leader Sven Goebel Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
Dr. Sven Goebel looks back on almost 25 years of experience within the Network Marketing industry. He started his career as an independent business owner back in February 1992.
In 1994, he graduated as a PhD in science from the Technical University in Darmstadt, where after he “transformed” right into a passionate, full-time Network Marketing Professional after having build his business for 18 months part-time.
Today, Sven is a recognized industry leader, public speaker, coach and consultant. He functions as a role-model for Network Marketers from all over the world across all generations. He spoke to audiences all over Europe, North- & South America, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Israel, India, Australia, the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia, some of them far exceeding 10.000 attendees.
As a result of his impressive career over the past two decades, he has been featured in numerous papers, magazines, radio- and TV shows. With his own chapter in a book for the second time in his career, Sven has recently been featured in The Greatest Networkers in the World by best-selling author John Milton Fogg.
 Over the past 24 years, Sven has successfully build huge organizations with 3 major Network Marketing companies:
 In 1992, he