Tag Archive for Nelo Life

Industry Icon Randy Schroeder Joins Start-Up Nelo Life

Nelo life is a company which paid out in their first months $500,000 in commissions, which is a remarkable achievement for a start-up.
Randy Schroeder has long been known as being among the elite leaders and builders in the direct selling world, with career commissions earned well in excess of $45 million.
Randy Schroeder said:

Why Nelo Life? At this point in my career, I can see with clarity that much of my success has been owing to the fact that I am by nature, a persuader.
For over three decades, I have persuaded others that the fundamental principles governing network marketing are superior to the principles which govern conventional business.

Schroeder continued:
For a season of my career, I persuaded others that using a non prescription alternative to statin drugs for cholesterol reduction would be a good thing to do. For a season of my career I persuaded others of the reasons to use and consume the acai berry for its high anti oxident values. And for a season I persuaded others that non psycho active cannabis products have health benefit.
Because I am by nature a persuader, all of the above has been relatively easy for me. And yet, for so many (way