Tag Archive for NCSC

How to protect your small business from coronavirus cyber threats

Originally written by Nick Ismail on Small Business
The disruption caused by the Covid-19 crisis has forced small business to change how it operates; non-essentials workers are now working remotely and physical events have become virtual.
In this new mass remote and online environment, what can a small business do to protect itself and its workforce from coronavirus scams and cyber security threats?
We spoke to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for the latest coronavirus cyber security advice:
What cyber security advice do you have for small business?
For organisations of all sizes this period presents a cyber security challenge, and this is particularly the case for those moving towards home working arrangements for the first time, or significantly increasing home working.
The NCSC recently published new guidance for organisations with staff working from home, which includes everything from preparing for home working to helping staff look after devices.
Smaller businesses may also wish to familiarise themselves with the NCSC’s Small Business Guide, which sets out five steps to take to bolster their cyber security, and SMEs should encourage staff to try the NCSC’s e-learning package while working from home.
As well as taking steps to protect themselves from becoming a victim it is important for businesses to plan how they