Tag Archive for Mobile working

How to enable mobile working in the modern workplace

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
The workplace has changed for both large incumbents and smaller businesses. Flexibility and mobile working are now key ingredients for success, especially for business leaders aiming to grow their business. As technology evolves and improves as well, the means to achieve these new ways of working has led to a significant increase in competition; moving from an idea to a product or business has never been more achievable and the existence of hundreds of billion dollar companies today compared to only a handful 10 years ago is testament to this. Most of these businesses started with a small number of talented employees, such as Instagram or Rubrik, before they were either acquired by larger entities or experienced tremendous growth and became the now not-so-fabled unicorn. Technology is the enabler and is empowering creativity, collaboration and success.

The modern workplace is one of opportunity, but it needs modern solutions to turn those opportunities into success; solutions which can help eager founders work on-the-go and champion their business, while also enticing the very best talent who want to work flexibly in an environment that reflects their ideologies and requirements.
The facts support this. According to the Steelcase


Don’t let security issues negate the benefits of mobile working

It’s difficult to remember a time before mobile working. Most businesses now rely on staff being contactable when travelling or working remotely – and employees expect to be able to work and access company documents when away from the office. Most companies have also solved the whole bring your own device (BYOD) question. They have
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Employees see mobile working as more important than a company car

However, despite their employees’ appetite for mobile working, organisations are still struggling with technology and budget limitations to make it a reality, finds research by BT. The survey of 1,500 office workers in large organisations in France, Germany, Spain and the UK, reveals a new era, where mobile working is no longer a perk but a staple
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