Tag Archive for Mimi Ford

Visalus’ Celebrates Its 2 Newest 500k Lifetime Earners

Visalus celebrates its newest $500K Lifetime Earners, 2-Star Ambassadors Raylene Bruder and Tyler & Mimi Ford (who also happen to be Active Challenge Champions!). VIsalus asked them what this milestone meant to them, how it’s impacted their Vi business, and their advice to others looking to achieve the same success and beyond.
What does it mean to you to be a $500K Lifetime Earner with Vi?
RAYLENE: Honestly unreal! NEVER did it even cross my mind that this was POSSIBLE. It’s so humbling to know that each dollar of that $500,000 is a representation of another life—that I have had the opportunity to even be a small part of changing it in one way or another. I’m feeling blessed!!
TYLER & MIMI: We feel blessed to have such a great team. If it wasn’t for our team, we would not be where we are today with ViSalus. Being $500K Lifetime Earners has allowed us the time and freedom to be able to train and compete in the races that we like to do, which also allowed us to become Couple Active Challenge Champions.
Who or what has been the biggest inspiration to you in helping you achieve so much success?
RAYLENE: My parents (Rick and Elaine