Tag Archive for Miami

Total Life Changes Back to Basics Tour Heads To Miami With Life Coach Clark Bartram

Total Life Changes B2B tour is heading to Miami November 2-3 with special guest, keynote speaker, and life coach Clark Bartram to show independent business owners that it is possible to be fit, build a business, and become successful.
Trainer, author, actor, life coach, fitness model, and former Marine — Clark Bartram may be many things. But in everything he does, Bartram puts forth 100% in hopes that he can benefit those who care enough about themselves and the people they love to do what it takes to ‘Live the Lifestyle’.
Bartram has helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies and their lives as a personal trainer and life coach. In fact, he even has recently been elevated to the status of ISSA Master Trainer, a title held by only a handful of people in the industry.
As a former Marine, Bartram says he learned many things that are still with him today. “Things like ‘always be ready!’ have stuck with me, and that is precisely how I have approached my professional career for the last 30 years.”
Bartram hopes to inspire TLC’s IBO’s at the B2B event in Miami to do the same. He also wants to show them that it


Market America World Conference In Miami Hosts 25,000 Reps

Internet Marketing and e-commerce powerhouse Market America | SHOP.COM is hosting its renowned World Conference this week in Miami where a sold out crowd of entrepreneurs dubbed UnFranchise Owners (UFOs) are soaking in one of the largest business conferences of the year. 
The conference draws UFOs from around the world for three days of high energy, high impact keynotes and breakout sessions.
The brainchild of Market America founders, JR and Loren Ridinger, the conference boasts a wall-to-wall agenda focused on highlighting the company’s one-of-a-kind Shopping Annuity.
A revolutionary concept that helps shoppers convert spending into earning without a large investment upfront like typical annuities. The investment is what consumers already spend on everyday purchases and they earn cash back.

The World Conference is three days of nonstop entrepreneurial advice, business seminars on selling, marketing and


New Direct Selling Company Targets Latinas

A new direct selling company targeting Hispanic women in America has launched this week.
A 100% Latin owned American company, Tissini is based out of Miami, Florida and offers women’s jewelry, exclusively designed for the U.S. Hispanic women also known as “Latinas.”
TISSINI wants to give Hispanic women the possibility to generate an additional income stream through a simple hassle-free method for selling fashion accessories. Doing away with a complex compensation plan, Tissini is keeping things simple. TISSINI’s customers have the opportunity to earn 50% of what they sell, period. This simple yet bold business model is primarily offered to women.
Why women? TISSINI’s slogan, “Crea tu Mundo” means “Create your World” and speaks directly to Latinas, who are driven women that strive to improve their own lives and particularly the lives of their families.